Grown Up Smores

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Though I like the taste of smores, I never make them.  The chocolate doesn’t melt like I want it too and my marshmallows always catch on fire.  And if you are making them over a campfire then you are going to have goo everywhere.  Or maybe I’m just messy !

 I have been eating marshmallow cream on my graham crackers since I was a kid. (I also have a friend who eats it on Ritz crackers ) I usually don’t even bother with the top cracker, I just smear it on one side and eat it but the other day I decided I wanted chocolate so I went to my pantry. 

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When I opened the door, I spied a jar of Nutella…BINGO !  I knew I had hit the jackpot because I love Nutella.  I guess this isn’t really a recipe so much as a combination of three delicious treats smushed together.  (graham crackers, marshmallow cream, and Nutella)

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As you can see by the photo, I wasn’t going for looks,  I was going for taste and boy do they  taste good.  I was slapping that marshmallow cream on thick so if you love marshmallow cream as much as I do, eat this when no one is around otherwise people keep telling you “you have something around your mouth, and on your chin, and on your cheek.”

Next time you get a craving for smores and just don’t what to do the whole roast the marshmallow, get a chocolate bar and try to melt it with a  semi-warm, probably burned, marshmallow, give this a try.

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