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Tunis, Africa (الجمهورية التونسية)

The above photo is what it looked like as we arrived in the Port of (La Goulette). It had been raining and we could see this beautiful rainbow from our Balcony.  Is this what you would picture if you arrived in Africa? Like in most ports, the sunrise was stunning. Once we disembarked from the […]

Carthage, Tunisia ~ Punic and Roman Ruins

Carthage is a suburb of  Tunis, Tunisia,  situated at the site of the ancient capital of the Carthaginian empire.  It was little more than an agricultural village for nine hundred years until the middle of the 20th century; since then it has grown rapidly as an upscale coastal suburb.    I snapped this pictures as we drove […]

Bardo National Museum in Tunis – Part 2

  When we arrived at the Bardo National Museum, it was filled with students.  There are certain days of the week that they get in free so it was packed with young men and women along with other tour groups. The young girl in the yellow head piece was the first to approach my daughter. […]

Bardo National Museum in Tunis – Part 1

  One of the places my daughter wanted to see while we  were in Europe was the Bardo National Museum in North Africa.  Her eyes would light up as she touted the accolades of this museum while i’m sure that my eyes were lackluster at the idea of spending so much of my free time […]


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