Here is the second part to my visit with P Allen Smith at Moss Mountain Farms.  My last post toured the first floor of his home.  This week we will travel upstairs to the second and third floor. If you missed the tour of the first floor, you can check it out HERE. MASTER BEDROOM […]

Garden Tour of Moss Mountain Farm – P Allen Smith

‘m contintuing  my tour of Moss Mountain Farms with P Allen Smith here with photos of his gardens. The flower gardens were filled with bright pops of color ; add that to having the Arkansas river as your backdrop and you have a feast for the eyes. Here are some of the photos of his […]

Home Tour of Moss Mountain Farm ~ P Allen Smith

I going to start off by apologizing for all of the photos I am about to post.  I had the privilege to join several Arkansas Women Bloggers at P Allen Smith’s home for Farm2home 2015.  If you missed the post about my incredible day at Moss Mountain Farms, you can check it out here. You […]

Farm2home 2015~ P Allen Smith

I have been a long time fan of P Allen Smith so I jumped at a chance to visit Moss Mountain Farm.  It was in incredible day filled with information from the great people at Arkansas Grown and Arkansas Made.  Living on a family farm, I appreciate the hard work and care it takes grow our food […]

Garvan Woodland Gardens ~ Hot Springs, AR

I had been seeing so many beautiful photos online about the Tulips at Garvan Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs, AR  that I made a quick trip to photograph some of them.  Here is a sample of some of the photos I took.  You can see all of the photos and read the full post on […]

Happy Memorial Day

  Happy Memorial Day everyone.  I decided to work today (I know, crazy huh?)  and decided to take  pictures of this old bicycle propped up next to this antique store here in the park.   Don’t you just love it?  

Catalpa Trees ~ Historic Washington State Park

We have several large Catalpa trees at Historic Washington State Park where I work.  I love it every year in the spring when all of the flowers bloom and then begin to fall in all late summer.  It looks like the ground is covered in snow. The leaves on these trees are huge and the […]

Winter at Historic Washington State Park


Winter ~ Historic Washington State Park

Snow just makes everything look beautiful.  Here are some pictures that I took around the park where I work.   It was so beautiful….


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