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Toulon, France

   The third stop on our  cruise was in Toulon, France.   This was one of those stops where we had a guide book in hand as we left the ship.  We walked to the bus stop and looked for the bus number the guide book said to take.  There was no such bus number and we couldn’t […]

Monte Carlo, Monaco

The second stop on our Mediterranean cruise was Monte Carlo, Monaco.  I had read that we would be able to see the city from the ship but I wasn’t prepared for the site that lay before me as arrived on deck for breakfast.  It was beautiful, espeically the very large yacht next to our ship. […]

Eze Village, France

One the second day of our cruise we docked in Monaco.  My daughter had chosen to visit Eze Village, France while we were in port..  I had never heard of Eze Village and had done no research on it before we left. Let me back up a minute in case this is the first post […]


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